In Search of Common Ground

In Search of Common Ground is a conflict resolution seminar which includes a variety of processes to help you . . .

 Stay present to yourself and others while experiencing conflict

 Develop the capacity to remain relaxed and focused in tense situations

 Recognize patterns of negative thinking that lock you into narrow, limiting modes of behavior

Find solutions that respectfully meet the needs of all parties involved

 Speak your mind without creating resistance or hostility

 Enhance your skills for empathetic connection

 Change from a pattern of knee jerk reactions to a more conscious response

 Understand anger and other emotions

 Create a greater sense of centered presence

 Rediscover the part of yourself that is, wise, kind and capable of clear and powerful embodied compassionate action

 Maintain and create life – enriching relationships

 Learn ways to access choice when you feel triggered

For further information please consult under the heading of workshops.

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